Full Forms

In modern times people prefer to use abbreviated forms of names rather than taking the full form of the common name of organizations, celebrities,and many more things. Sometimes it is hard to identify what are they talking about.

Full forms are commonly asked in the competitive exam or job interview. So, it is essential to know some popular acronyms for your success.

In this section, we will provide you a to z list of all full forms in English. We have Covered following categories:

Browse Full Forms By Letter’s:


Full Form List in English

The following is a complete List of full forms:


Short formStnads forFull Form
AAIStands forAirport Authority of India
ABGStands forArterial Blood Gas
ABPStands forAnanda Bazaar Patrika News
ABVPStands forAkhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad
ACStands forAlternating Current / Ashoka Chakra
ACCStands forAssociated Cement Companies
ACDStands forAutomatic Call Distributor
ACSStands forAmerican Chemical Society
ACUStands forAsian Currency Union
ADStands forAnno Domini
ADBStands forAsian Development Bank
ADIDASStands forAdolf “Adi” Dassler
ADHDStands forAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADRStands forAmerican Depository Receipt
AHRCStands forAsian Human Rights Commission
AIAAAStands forAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AICTEStands forAll India Council for Technical Education
AIDSStands forAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AJAXStands forAsynchronous JavaScript and XML
AKAStands forAlso Known As
ALSStands forAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
AMCStands forAnnual Maintenance Contract, American Motors Corporation
AMIEStands forAssociate Member of the Institution of Engineers
AMLStands forAcute Myeloid Leukemia
AMULStands forAnand Milk Union Limited
AMWStands forAsian Motors Limited
ANMStands forAuxiliary Nurse Midwifery
APIStands forApplication Programming Interface
APJ Abdul KalamStands forAvul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
APKStands forAndroid Application Package
ARMDStands forAge Related Macular Degeneration
ARDSStands forAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ASAPStands forAs Soon As Possible
ASATStands forAnti-satellite weapons
ASCIIStands forAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASEANStands forAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations
ASLVStands forAugmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
ASPStands forActive Server Page
ASRStands forAutomated Speech Recognition
ASTMStands forAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
ATAStands forAdvanced Technology Attachment
AT&TStands forAmerican Telephone & Telegraph Company
ATMStands forAutomated Teller Machine
ATPStands forAdenosine Triphosphate
ATSStands forAnti-Terrorism Squad
AWACSStands forAirborne Warning and Control System
AYUSHStands forAyurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
AM and PMStands forAM: Anti Meridiem, PM: Post Meridiem


Short formStands forFull Form
BAStands forBachelor of Arts
BAEStands forBefore Anyone Else
BAMSStands forBachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
BARCStands forBhaba Atomic Research Center
BASICStands forBeginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BBAStands forBachelor of Business Administration
BBCStands forBritish Broadcasting Corporation
BCAStands forBachelor of Computer Applications
BCCIStands forBoard of Control of Cricket in India
BCEStands forBefore Common Era
BCGStands forBacillus Calmette-Guerin
B.ComStands forBachelor of Commerce
BDSStands forBachelor of Dental Surgery
B.EdStands forBachelor of Education
BEStands forBachelor of Engineering
BFSIStands forBanking, Financial Services, and Insurance
BHIMStands forBharat Interface for Money
BHMSStands forBachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
BIFRStands forBoard of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BIOSStands forBasic Input Output System
BISStands forBureau of Indian Standards
BKUStands forBhartiya Kisan Union
BLOBStands forBinary Large Object
BMDStands forBone Mineral Density
BMIStands forBody Mass Index
BMRStands forBasal Metabolic Rate
BMSStands forBachelor of Management Studies & Business Management System
BMTStands forBone Marrow Transplant
BMWStands forBayerische Motoren Werke
BOBStands forBank of Baroda
BODMASStands forBracket, of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction
BPLStands forBelow Poverty Line & British Physical Laboratories Group
BPOStands forBusiness Process Outsourcing
BRBStands forBe Right Back
BRICSStands forBrazil Russia India China And South Africa
BROStands forBorder Road Organization
BSCStands forBachelor of Science, Base Station Controller
BSFStands forBorder Security Force
B.TechStands forBachelor of Technology
BTSStands forBangtan Sonyeondan
BUNStands forBlood Urea Nitrogen


Short formStands ForFull Form
CAStands forChartered Accountant
CABGStands forCoronary Artery Bypass Graft
CADStands forComputer Aided Design
CAGStands forComptroller and Auditor General of India
CAIIBStands forCertified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers
CAGRStands forCompound Annual Growth Rate
CATStands forCommon Admission Test
CBCStands forComplete Blood Count
CBIStands forCentral bureau of Investigation & Central Bank of India
CBSEStands forCentral Board of Secondary Education
CCStands forCubic Capacity/ Cubic Centimeter, Carbon Copy
CCCStands forCourse on Computer Concepts
CCILStands forClearing Corporation of India Limited
CCTVStands forClosed Circuit Television
CDStands forCompact Disc
CDMAStands forCode Division Multiple Access
CEOStands forChief Executive Officer
CFAStands forChartered Financial Analyst
CFLStands forCompact fluorescent lamp
CFTStands forComplement Fixation Test
CFOStands forChief Financial Officer
CGIStands forComputer Generated Imagery
SSC-CGLStands forCombined Graduate Level
CGPAStands forCumulative Grade Point Average
CHFStands forCongestive Heart Failure
CIAStands forCentral Intelligence Agency
CIBILStands forCredit Information Bureau (India) Limited
CIFStands forCustomer Information File
CIDStands forCrime Investigation Department
CIIStands forConfederation of Indian Industry
CISFStands forCentral Industrial Security Force
CMAStands forCredit Monitoring Analysis
CMLStands forChronic Myelogenous Leukemia
CMOStands forChief Medical Officer
CMSStands forContent Management System
CMVStands forCytomegalovirus
CNCStands forComputerized Numerical Control
CNGStands forCompressed Natural Gas
COBStands forClose of Business
COBOLStands forCommon Business Oriented Language
COOStands forChief Operating Officer
COPDStands forChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CPCBStands forCentral Pollution Control Board
CPMStands forCost per Mile
CPOStands forCentral Police Organisation
CPRStands forCardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
CPTStands forCommon Proficiency Test
CPUStands forCentral Processing Unit
CRISILStands forCredit Rating Information Services of India Limited
CRMStands forCustomer Relationship Management
CRPFStands forCentral Reserve Police Force
CRRStands forCash Reserve Ratio
CRTStands forCathode Ray Tube
CSStands forCompany Secretary & Computer Science
CSEStands forComputer Science Engineering
CSIRStands forCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSRStands forCorporate Social Responsibility
CSSStands forCascading Style Sheet
CSTStands forCentral Sales Tax, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Central Standard Time
CTBTStands forComprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
CTCStands forCost To Company
CTOStands forChief Technology Officer
CTSStands forCheque Truncation System & Clear to Send
CVStands forCurriculum Vitae
CVAStands forCerebral Vascular Accident or Cerebrovascular Accident
COMPUTERStands forNo, but can be termed as Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research


Short FormStands forFull Form
DCStands forData Compression & Direct Current
DCAStands forDiploma in Computer Application
DCBStands forDevelopment Credit Bank
DDTStands forDichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane
DEAFStands forDepositor Education and Awareness Fund
DHLStands forDalsey Hillblom Lynn
DIGStands forDeputy Inspector General
DIYStands forDo it Yourself
DJStands forDisc Jockey
DJDStands forDegenerative Joint Disease
DHCPStands forDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTStands forDihydrotestosterone
DLFStands forDelhi Land and Finance
DNAStands forDeoxyribonucleic Acid
DNBStands forDiplomate of National Board
DNSStands forDomain Name System
DPIStands forDots Per Inch
DRDOStands forDefence Research and Development Organization
DSCStands forDigital Signature Certificate
DSLStands forDigital Subscriber Line
DSLRStands forDigital single-lens reflex
DSPStands forDeputy Superintendent of Police
DSTStands forDepartment of Science & Technology
DTPStands forDesk-Top Publishing, Distributed Transaction Processing
DVCStands forDamodar Valley Corporation
DVDStands forDigital Video Disc, Digital Versatile Disc
DVTStands forDeep Vein Thrombosis
DPStands forDisplay Picture & Data Processing
DS GroupStands forDharampal Satyapal Group


Short FormStands ForFull Form
EBRTStands ForExternal Beam Radiation Therapy
EBVStands ForEpstein – Barr virus
ECCStands ForExcise Control Code
ECEStands ForElectronic and Communication Engineering
ECGStands ForElectrocardiogram
ECRStands ForEmigration Check Required
ECSStands ForElectronic Clearing Service
ECTStands ForElectroconvulsive Therapy
EDStands ForEnforcement Directorate
EDGEStands ForEnhanced Data Rates for GSM (Global System for Mobile) Evolution
EDIStands ForElectronic Data Interchange
EDPStands ForElectronic Data Processing
EEEStands ForElectrical and Electronics Engineering
EEGStands ForElectroencephalogram
EJBStands ForEnterprise Java Bean
ELSSStands ForEquity-linked Saving Scheme
EMGStands ForElectromyogram
EMIStands ForEquated Monthly Installment
ENTStands ForEar Nose Throat
EODStands ForEnd of the Day
EPCStands ForEngineering, Procurement and Construction
ERNETStands ForEducation and Research Network
EPFOStands ForEmployee Provident Fund Organization
ERPStands ForEnterprise Resource Planning
ESIStands ForEmployee’s State Insurance
ESICStands ForEmployees State Insurance Corporation
ETAStands ForEstimated Time of Arrival
ETCStands ForEt cetera
EWSStands ForEconomically Weaker Section


Short FormStands ForFull Form
FATCAStands ForForeign Account Tax Compliance Act
FAXStands ForFacsimile
FBIStands ForFederal Bureau of Investigation
FCCBStands ForForeign Currency Convertible Bond
FCIStands ForFood Corporation of India
FDIStands ForForeign Direct Investment
FEMAStands ForForeign Exchange Management Act
FHRStands ForFetal Heart Rate
FICCIStands ForFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FIFAStands ForFederation Internationale de Football Association
FIRStands ForFirst Information Report
FMCGStands ForFast-Moving Consumer Goods
FMStands ForFrequency Modulation
ENIACStands ForElectronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
FOBStands ForFree on Board
FOMOStands ForFear of Missing Out
F.O.RStands ForFreight on Road
FORTRANStands ForFORmula TRANslation
FSSAIStands ForFood Safety and Standards Authority of India
FTPStands ForFile Transfer Protocol
FYIStands ForFor Your Information


Short FormStands ForFull Form
GAILStands ForGas Authority of India Limited
GATEStands ForGraduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
GBPStands ForGreat Britain Pound
GCCStands ForGNU Compiler Collection
GDPStands ForGross Domestic Product
GFRStands ForGlomerular Filtration Rate
GIFStands ForGraphics Interchange Format
GISStands ForGeographic Information System
GMOStands ForGenetically Modified Organism
GMTStands ForGreenwich Mean Time
GNMStands ForGeneral Nursing and Midwifery
GNUStands ForGNU’s Not UNIX
GPAStands ForGrade Point Average
GPRSStands ForGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSStands ForGlobal Positioning System
GREStands ForGraduate Record Examination
GSLVStands ForGeosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
GSMStands ForGlobal System for Mobile communication
GSTStands ForGoods and Service Tax
GTTStands ForGlucose Tolerance Test
GUIStands ForGraphical USer Interface
GOOGLEStands ForGlobal Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth


Short FormStands ForFull Form
HCLStands ForHindustan Computers Limited
HDIStands ForHuman Development Index
HDFCStands ForHousing Development Finance Corporation
HDMIStands ForHigh Definition Multimedia Interface
HIVStands ForHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
HPStands ForHewlett-Packard
HRStands ForHuman Resources
HSBCStands ForHong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
HSCStands ForHigher Secondary Certificate & Higher Secondary School Certificate
HSNStands ForHarmonized System of Nomenclature
HTCStands ForHigh Tech Computer
HTMLStands ForHyper Text Markup Language
HTTPStands ForHyper Text Transfer protocol
HUDCOStands ForHousing and Urban Development Corporation Limited
HVACStands ForHeating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HVDCStands ForHigh Voltage Direct Current Transmission


Short FormStands ForFull Form
IASStands ForIndian Administrative Service
IATAStands ForInternational Air Transport Association
IBStands ForIntelligence Bureau
IBMStands ForInternational Business Machines
IBPSStands ForInstitute of Banking Personnel Selection
ICStands ForIntegrated Circuit
ICARStands ForIndian Council of Agricultural Research
ICDSStands ForIntegrated Child Development Services
ICICIStands ForCredit and Investment Corporation of India
ICMRStands ForIndian Council of Medical Research
ICRAStands ForInvestment Information and Credit Rating Agency
ICSEStands ForIndian Certificate of Secondary Education
ICTStands ForInformation and Communications Technology
ICUStands ForIntensive Care Unit
ICWAStands ForInstitute of Cost & Works Accountants of India, Indian Child Welfare Act
IDBIStands ForIndustrial Development Bank of India
IDEStands ForIntegrated Development Environment & Integrated Drive Electronics
IDFCStands ForInfrastructure Development Finance Company
IECStands ForInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IEEEStands ForInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IELTSStands ForInternational English Language Testing System
IFFCOStands ForIndian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited
IFSStands ForIndian Foreign Service
IFSCStands ForIndian Financial System Code
IGSTStands ForIntegrated Goods and Services Tax
IIFLStands ForIndia Infoline Finance Limited
IITStands ForIndian Institute of Technology
IKRStands ForI know, Right?
IL&FSStands ForInfrastructure Leasing & Financial Services
IMAStands ForIndian Military Academy & Indian Medical Association
IMAOStands ForIn My Arrogant Opinion
IMDbStands ForInternet Movie Database
IMEIStands ForInternational Mobile Equipment Identity
IMFStands ForInternational Monetary Fund
IMOStands ForIn My Opinion & International Maritime Organization
INDIAStands ForNo, but can be termed as Independent National Democratic Intelligent Area
INRStands ForIndian Rupee
INSStands ForIndian Navy Ship
INTERNETStands ForInterconnected Network
IOCStands ForInternational Olympic Committee
iOSStands ForiPhone Operating System
IPCCStands ForIntegrated Professional Competence Course
IPStands ForInternet Protocol
IPIStands ForInternational Press Institute
IPLStands ForIndian Premier League
IPOStands ForInitial Public Offering
IPSStands ForIndian Police Service, In-Plane Switching, Intrusion Prevention System
IQStands ForIntelligence Quotient
IRCTCStands ForIndian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation
IRDAStands ForInsurance Regulatory and Development Authority & Infrared DATA Association
IRDPStands ForIntegrated Rural Development Programme
IRSStands ForIndian Revenue Service
ISCStands ForIndian School Certificate
ISDStands ForInternational Subscriber Dialing
ISIStands ForIndian Standards Institute
ISKCONStands ForInternational Society for Krishna Consciousness
ISOStands ForInternational Organization for Standardization
ISPStands ForInternet Service Provider
ISROStands ForIndian Space Research Organization
ITStands ForInformation Technology & Income Tax
ITCStands ForIndian Tobacco Company, International Trade Center, Independent Telephone Company
ITESStands ForInformation Technology Enabled Services
ITILStands ForInformation Technology Infrastructure Library
ITPStands ForIdiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
ITIStands ForIndustrial Training Institute
IUCNStands ForInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
IVFStands ForIN Vitro Fertilization
IVRStands ForInteractive Voice Response


Short FormStands ForFull Form
JAIIBStands ForJunior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers
JBLStands ForJames Bullough Lansing
JCBStands ForJoseph Cyril Bamford
JCVStands ForJohn Cunningham Virus
JEEStands ForJoint Entrance Examination
JK TyreStands ForJuggilal Kamlapat Ji Tyres
JPGStands ForJoint Photographic Experts Group
JSFStands ForJavaServer Faces
JVDStands ForJugular Vein Distension
JSONStands ForJavaScript Object Notation


Short FormStands ForFull Form
KbpsStands ForKilobits per second
KEIStands ForKrishna Electricals Industries Limited
KFCStands ForKentucky Fried Chicken
KGFStands ForKolar Gold Fields
KPIStands ForKey Performance Indicator
KPOStands ForKnowledge Process Outsourcing
KRAStands ForKey Result Area/ Key Responsibility Area
KRPLStands ForKhushi Ram Behari Lal Limited
KTMStands ForKraftfahrzeuge Trunkenpolz Mattighofen
KYCStands ForKnow Your Customer


Short FormStands FormFull Form
LASERStands ForLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LBSStands ForPound-Mass or Pound & Location Based Service
LCDStands ForLiquid Cristal Display
LDLStands ForLow Density Lipoprotein
LEDStands ForLight Emitting Diode
LFTStands ForLiver Function Tests
LGStands ForLieutenant Governor, Lucky Goldstar
LICStands ForLife Insurance Corporation of India
LKGStands ForLower Kindergarten
LLBStands ForLegum Baccalaureus in Latin, Bachelor of Laws
LLMStands ForLegum Magister
LLPStands ForLimited Liability Partnership
LMAOStands ForLaughing My A** Off
LMFAOStands ForLaughing My Fucking Ass Off
LOLStands ForLaughing Out Loud
LPGStands ForLiquefied Petroleum Gas
L&TStands ForLarsen and Toubro
LTEStands ForLong Term Evolution
LOVEStands ForNo, but can be Life’s Only Valuable Emotion, Long Lasting Original Valuable Emotion


Short FormStands ForFull Form
MACStands ForMedia Access Control Address
MBAStands ForMaster of Business Administration
MBBSStands ForBachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae in Latin)
MBPSStands ForMegabits per Second
MCStands ForMenstrual Cycle
MCAStands ForMaster of Computer Application
MCBStands ForMiniature Circuit Breaker
MCLRStands ForMarginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate
MDStands ForDoctor of Medicine
MICRStands ForMagnetic Ink Character Recognition
MISStands ForManagement Information System
MLAStands ForMember of Legislative Assembly
MMIDStands ForMobile Money Identifier
MMRStands ForMeasles Mumps and Rubella
MMSStands ForMultimedia Messaging Service
MOESStands ForMinistry of Earth Sciences
MOUStands ForMemorandum of Understanding
MPEGStands ForMoving Picture Experts Group
MRFStands ForMadras Rubber Factory
MRIStands ForMagnetic Resonance Imaging
MSStands ForMaster of Science , Master of Surgery , MicroSoft
MSCStands ForMobile Switching Center & Master of Science
MSMEStands ForMinistry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MTNLStands ForMahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
MTSStands ForMicrosoft Transaction Server


Short FormStands ForFull Form
NABARDStands ForNational Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NABHStands ForNational Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers
NAACStands ForNational Assessment and Accreditation Council
NACStands ForNetwork Access Control
NASAStands ForNational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASDAQStands ForNational Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
NATOStands ForNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBFCStands ForNon-Banking Financial Companies
NCCStands ForNational Cadet Corps
NCERTStands ForNational Council of Educational Research and Training
NCRStands ForNational Capital Region
NDAStands ForNational Defence Academy, National Democratic Alliance
NDRFStands ForNational Disaster Response Force
NDTVStands ForNew Delhi Television
NEETStands ForNational Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test
NEFTStands ForNational Electronic Funds Transfer
NETStands ForNational Eligibility Test
NFCStands ForNear Field Communication
NGOStands ForNon-Governmental Organization
NIFTYStands ForNational Stack Exchange Fifty
NIITStands ForNational Institute of Information Technology
NOCStands ForNo Objection Certificate
NOTAStands ForNone of the Above
NPAStands ForNon Performing Assets
NPCIStands ForNational Payments Corporation of India
NRIStands ForNon-Resident Indian
NSDLStands ForNational Securities Depository Limited
NSEStands ForNational Stock Exchange
NSUIStands ForNational Students’ Union of India
NSSStands ForNational Service Scheme
NTPCStands ForNational Thermal Power Corporation
NTGStands ForNitroglycerin


Short FormStands ForFull Form
OCDStands ForObsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OCRStands ForOptical Character Recognition
OECDStands ForOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEMStands ForOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OKStands ForOlla Kalla or Oll Korrect
OMRStands ForOptical Mark Recognition
ONGCStands ForOil and Natural Gas Corporation
OOTDStands ForOutfit of the Day
OPDStands ForOutpatient Department
OPECStands ForOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSAStands ForObstructive Sleep Apnea
OTPStands ForOne-time Password


Shor FormStands ForFull Form
PANStands ForPermanent Account Number
PBXStands ForPrivate Branch Exchange
PCBStands ForPrinted Circuit Board
PCCStands ForPolice Clearance Certificate
PCIStands ForPress Council of India
PCOStands ForPublic Call Office
PCSStands ForProvincial Civil Service
PDAStands ForPersonal Digital Assistant
PDFStands ForPortable Document Format
PFAStands ForPlease Find Attachment, Predictive Failure Analysis
PFMSStands ForPublic Financial Management System
PGDCAStands ForPost Graduate Diploma in Computer Application
PGDMStands ForPost Graduate Diploma in Management
PHDStands ForDoctor of Philosophy
PHStands ForPotential of Hydrogen
PHPStands ForHypertext Preprocessor (earlier called, Personal Home Page)
PIDStands ForPelvic Inflammatory Disease
PILStands ForPublic Interest Litigation
PINGStands ForPacket InterNet Groper
PKCStands ForPublic Key Cryptography
PKDStands ForPolycystic Kidney Disease
PMSStands ForPremenstrual Syndrome
PNBStands ForPunjab National Bank
PNGStands ForPortable Network Graphics
PNRStands ForPassenger Name Record
POStands ForProbationary Officer & Post Office
POCStands ForProof of Concept
POSStands ForPoint of Sale
PSStands ForPostscript
PSIStands ForPound per Square Inch & Population Services International
PSLVStands ForPolar Satellite Launch Vehicle
PSUStands ForPublic Sector Undertaking, Power Supply Unit
PTOStands ForPlease Turn Over & Paid Time Off
PTSDStands ForPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PUBGStands ForPublic Works Department
PUCStands ForPollution Under Control , Pre University Course , Personal Unlock Code
PVCStands ForPoly Vinyl Chloride
PVRStands ForPriya Village Roadshow
PWDStands ForPublic Works Department


Short FormStands ForFull Form
QR CodeStands ForQuick Response Code


Short FormStands ForFull Form
RACStands ForReservation Against Cancellation
RADARStands ForRadio Detection And Ranging
RAMStands ForRandom Access Memory
RAWStands ForResearch and Analysis Wing
RBCStands ForRed Blood Cell
RBLStands ForRatnakar Bank Limited
RDXStands ForResearch Department Explosive / Royal Demolition Explosive
RERAStands ForReal Estate Regulatory Authority
RFIDStands ForRadio Frequency Identification
RHDStands ForRheumatic Heart Disease
RIPStands ForRest In Peace, Routing Information Protocol
RNAStands ForRibonucleic Acid
ROFLStands ForRolling On Floor Laughing
RO,UV,UFStands ForReverse Osmosis , Ultraviolet , Ultrafiltration
RPMStands ForRevolutions Per Minute
RRBStands ForRailway Recruitment Board
RSAStands ForRivest, Shamir, Adleman
RSSStands ForReally Simple Syndication, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
RSVPStands ForRepondez s’il vous plait
RTGSStands ForReal-Time Gross Settlement
RTIStands ForRight to Information
RTOStands ForRegional Transport Office/ Road Transport Office


Short FormStands ForFull Form
SAARCStands ForSouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SAPStands Forsystems, applications and products
SASStands ForStatistical Analysis Software
SATAStands ForSerial Advanced Technology Attachment
SATStands ForScholastic Aptitude Test, Scholastic Assessment Test
SBIStands ForState Bank of India
SCADAStands ForSupervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCUBAStands ForSelf-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SDMStands ForSub Divisional Magistrate
SDKStands ForSoftware Development Kit
SEBIStands ForSecurities and Exchange Board of India
SENSEXStands ForStock Exchange Sensitive Index
SEOStands ForSearch Engine Optimization
SGOTStands ForSerum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase
SGPTStands ForSerum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase
SHOStands ForStation House Officer
SIDBIStands ForSmall Industries Development Bank of India
SIMStands ForSubscriber Identity Module
SIPStands ForSystematic Investment Plan
SITStands ForSpecial Investigation Team
SKUStands ForStock Keeping Unit
SLAStands ForService Level Agreement
SLRStands ForSingle Lens Reflex, Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SMEStands ForSmall and Medium-sized Enterprises
SMHStands ForShake My Head
SMPSStands ForSwitched-Mode Power Supply/ Switching Mode Power Supply
SMSStands ForShort Message Service
SMTPStands ForSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SONARStands ForSound Navigation and Ranging
SOPStands ForStandard Operating Procedure
SOSStands ForSave Our Souls
SPSSStands ForStatistical Package for the Social Sciences
SQLStands ForStructured Query Language
SSBStands ForService Selection Board
SSCStands ForSecondary School Certificate, Staff Selection Commission
SSDStands ForSolid State Drive
SSLStands ForSecure Sockets Layer
SSLCStands ForSecondary School Leaving Certificate
STDStands ForSubscriber Trunk Dialing, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
STPStands ForSewage Treatment Plant
SUVStands ForSport Utility Vehicle
SWATStands ForSpecial Weapons and Tactics


Short FormStands ForFull Form
TA & DAStands ForTravelling Allowance & Dearness Allowance
TAFEStands ForTractors and Farm Equipment
TANStands ForTax Deduction and Collection Account Number
TATStands ForTurn Around Time
TBIStands ForTraumatic Brain Injury
TBHStands ForTo Be Honest
TBTStands ForThrowback Thursday
TCP/IPStands ForTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCSStands ForTata Consultancy Services
TDRStands ForTicket Deposit Receipt, Term Deposit Receipt, Time Domain Reflectometer
TDSStands ForTax Deducted at Source
TFTStands ForThin Film Transistor
TGTStands ForTrained Graduate Teacher
TINStands ForTaxpayer Identification Number
TLCStands ForTotal Lung Capacity
TOEFLStands ForTest of English as a Foreign Language
TOIStands ForTimes of India
TPAStands ForThird Party Administrator
TRAIStands ForTelecom Regulatory Authority of India
TRPStands ForTelevision Rating Point
TTStands ForTetanus Toxoid
TTYLStands ForTalk To You Later
TVSStands ForThirukkurungudi Vengaram Sundram


Short FormStands ForFull Form
UCO BankStands ForUnited Commercial Bank
UDPStands ForUser Datagram Protoco
UGCStands ForUniversity Grants Commission
UIDAIStands ForUnique Identification Authority of India
UKSAStands ForUnited Kingdom Space Agency
UMLStands ForUnified Modeling Language
UNDPStands ForUnited Nations Development Programme
UNESCOStands ForUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNICEFStands ForUnited Nations Children’s Fund
UNOStands ForUnited Nations Organization
UPAStands ForUnited Progressive Alliance, United Production of America
UPIStands ForUnified Payment Interface
UPSCStands ForUnion Public Service Commission
UPSStands ForUninterruptible Power Supply
URLStands ForUniform Resource Locator
USBStands ForUniversal Serial Bus
USPStands ForUnique Selling Proposition
USSDStands ForUnstructured Supplementary Service Data
USSRStands ForUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics
UTIStands ForUrinary Tract Infection


Short FormStands ForFull Form
VATStands ForValue Added Tax
VFXStands ForVisual Effects
VGAStands ForVideo Graphics Array
VHDLStands ForVHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language
VIRUSStands ForVital Information Resources Under Seize
VISAStands Forcharta visa, lit in Latin
VLCStands ForVideoLAN Client
VolteStands ForVoice over Long Term Evolution
VPIStands ForVirtual Path Identifier
VTUStands ForVisvesvaraya Technological University


Short FormStands forFull Form
WBCStands forWhite Blood Cell
WEFStands forWorld Economic Forum, With Effect From
WIFIStands forWireless Fidelity
WIPOStands forWorld Intellectual Property Organization
WIPROStands forWestern India Products
WPAStands forWi-Fi Protected Access
WWFStands forWorld Wide Fund for Nature, World Wrestling Federation
WWWStands forWorld Wide Web


Short FormStands forFull Form
XMLStands foreXtensible Markup Language
XMPPStands forExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol


Short FormStands forFull Form
YAHOOStands forYet Another Hierarchy of Officious Oracle / Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle